Programming Documentation


Programming Documentation

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When you need a task reviewed, go to the [P1] discord and type /review in the chat.

/review is a command created for discord.
This command can be entered in any chat and is only visible to you.
Select the first /review - get your tasks reviewed

This is what you should be seeing after you selected /review.

Most likely you want your task reviewed and you will click the top blurple button.

An Academy Task is only taken from the P1 Academy & Careers Trello. If you do not know what that is or have never taken a task from that Trello, then ignore the bottom blurple button and click the top one.

Next, will be adding the information required to review your task. Most if not all of this should be on your Trello task card already so it is all copy and paste.

The exception to this is the Join Task. If you are trying to get your Join Task reviewed, please enter the following for each section:

1. Your Trello task card link
2. A Join Task that is ready to review and a merged pull request
3. As a new member I want to complete my Join Task to start my apprenticeship.
4. The Github pull request link
5. Choose NO documentation changes

There will be a blurple button to click for of these info sections:

  1. Task Card Link
  2. Acceptance Criteria
  3. User Story
  4. Work Result
  5. Documentation Changes

After clicking one a popup box like this will appear for you to enter the information. Enter the expected data and click submit for each.

Task Card Link

This is the link to your task card you have been working on naturally if you want your task reviewed it should be located in the Ready for Review column on the Trello.

Acceptance Criteria

There should be a section on the task card that says acceptance criteria. Most likely for programming it is just a link to the GitHub pull request with the addition you were tasked with included.

User Story

There should be a section on the task card that says user story. This is the description on the card that is explaining what you were meant to be doing.

Work Result

This is proof that you had results of the work on the task card. For programming this is most likely the same as the acceptance criteria, a GitHub pull request link with your changes.

Documentation Changes

If your task results in the documentation needing to be changed this is where you choose yes or no.

If everything is filled in then this is what the end result will look like:

A notification will pop up in the "white" discord for someone to review it. Alert the programming team in the discord chat that there is a review ready.

On This Page
User Story