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[P1] Virtual Civilization is an organization whose goal is to fight for a people-1st virtual future. We are currently working to build the infrastructure for this future by collaborating to create Skyjellies. Below are details on how the organization functions, the processes we use, and how you can first become an apprentice, and then a full-fledged member.

Scrum Details


When you need a task reviewed, go to the [P1] discord and type /review in the chat. This is what you should be seeing after you selected /review. Most likely you want your task reviewed and you will...


Congratulations! Now that you have completed your Join Task you can start an apprenticeship. This will allow you to contribute to our projects and have a greater impact on what we do here at [P1]....


Every Monday we meet together at the usual scrum meeting time (Imgur) for a general planning meeting for the whole team. After, we break out to our individual teams, in this case the programming...

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