We will use some tools to make it easier to configure a standard environment for Local Environment
Scoop.sh is a command line package manager for Windows. It will be used for easily installing programs. To install scoop.sh run following command on Windows PowerShell
irm get.scoop.sh | iex
Podman is a containerization tool to deploy containerized applications in a stable environment. We will use it to launch a MySQL instance without messing with environment variables. To install podman please run following command on Windows PowerShell
scoop install podman
podman machine init
Podman will be shutdown after each reboot of computer. In order to start your podman instance
podman machine start
Bot itself uses .Net-Core for its functionality. It will be installed by Visual Studio or your favorite IDE. But package manager console is only available in Visual Studio. In order to give flexibility to developers we will install .Net as standalone and use it to migrate DB definitions:
scoop bucket add versions
scoop install versions/dotnet6-sdk
cd /path/to/P1-CSharp-Bot
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Bot requires a MySQL database instance to function. We can use following command to run a database instance.
podman run -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -p 3306:3306 --name botdb -d mysql:8.0-debian
MySQL Workbench is a GUI for managing MySQL database and view/query database tables. You can install it using link below.