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Use Textures/TreesModels/Trees and not Trees/TexturesTrees/Models. That way its easy to set up root directories for the different software involved, for example, Substance Painter would always be set to save to the Textures directory.

Since it makes it easier to compare similar assets from different art sets to ensure continuity across art sets.

Debug Folders


Debug Objects


Non-code Assets

Avoid this if possible, for example, vehicles_fighterJet should be vehicles_jet_fighter if you plan to have multiple types of jets.

Persistent/Important GameObjects


Directory/File Structure

/---Tools     // Programs to aid development: compilers, asset managers, etc.


Assets folder structure

|   +---Materials
|   +---Models      // FBX and BLEND files
|   +---Textures    // PNG files
|   +---Music
|   \---Sound       // Samples and sound effects
+---Shaders     // Shader files and shader graphs
+---Docs            // Wiki, concept art, marketing material
+---Level           // Anything related to game design in Unity
|   +---Prefabs
|   +---Scenes
|   \---UI
\---Resources       // Configuration files, localization text and other user files.

Scripts folder structure

A Framework directory is great for having code that can be reused across projects.

The Scripts folder varies depending on the project, however, EnvironmentFrameworkTools and UI should be consistent across projects.


Models folder structure


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