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The full game that we will release when it's finished. Unlike the Prototype, the work is held to the highest standard.

If you want to know more about the actual game instead of how to work with it checkout the Game Design Documentation

Accessing the Repository

To access the GitHub repo for the Full Game, you must first complete your Join Task, unless your Join Task requires access. Once you have completed the Join Task, you can take an apprenticeship. Those who are working on their apprenticeship can work on the Full Game, listed as SkyJellies. Once qualified to work on the Full Game, you can message Samuel Martin an invite to the repo on Discord.

Do not forget to send Samuel your email you use for GitHub.

Pull Request and Merge Rules

All members with a level of Apprentice can do pull request reviews.

Check the Style Guide section for all the details.
After a pull request is created send a message to the Servant Director for the week you created the pull request.

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